
Preplanning Services

Pre-Need or Pre-Arranged  Funerals

- Pre-need planning is a way to relieve your surviving spouse or other family members from emotional and financial burden. Pre-need planning can assure an individual that the arrangements will follow their personal wishes.
- Pre-need planning may involve paying for your funeral in advance. Your Funeral Director will advise you on a payment plan that best suits your needs.


Unfortunately, just as advertisers target the senior citizens market, so do some sales organizations that use deceptive practices. Some "too good to be true" offers are just that.

Licensed Funeral Directors advise consumers to be on guard against certain sales pitches.

Prepaid Trust Fund

Thinking about one's demise leaves most people feeling a little uneasy, but preparing for the inevitable is a decision more and more older adults are finding wise. Those preplanning their own funerals admit it's not on the top of their list of fun things to do, but say it does offer great emotional and even financial security.

Among the biggest reason consumers prearrange is the peace of mind that comes with knowing a spouse or child will not be left with the emotional burden of making difficult decisions at a stressful time. Prearrangement also ensures the consumer and family that his or her final wishes will be met. At the time of death, family members take comfort in knowing the funeral reflects what their loved one wanted.

Preneed plans are attractive because they are designed to earn interest at a rate higher than inflation thus leaving no expenses for the family and possibly leaving excess funds at the time of the funeral. The two most common methods of prepaying for a funeral are investing in a regulated trust or opening a life insurance policy.

Gregory G. DeJohn
Licensed Funeral Director, Owner

Matthew J. Pinto
Licensed Funeral Director